Working with matrices, lists, and data frames

  1. Assign to the variable n_dims a single random integer between 3 and 10. Create a vector of consecutive integers from 1 to n_dims^2
n_dims <- runif(n=1, min=3, max=10)
my_vec <- seq(from=1, to=n_dims^2)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6

Use the sample function to randomly reshuffle these values.

new_vec <- sample(x=my_vec)
##  [1] 35 71 65 49 20 63 47  7 18 88 83 73 22 80 55 34  8 85 37  6 11 82 59 70 75
## [26]  2 84 67 15  4 42 50 10 87 54 40 69  5 36 26 12 14 16 25 13 68 77 38 33 52
## [51] 62 46  1 61 79 74 51 76 41 48 43  3 64 23 31 44 58 53 89 30 81 72 60 56  9
## [76] 86 27 39 29 78 28 21 19 24 57 66 45 32 17

Create a square matrix with these elements.

m <- matrix(data=new_vec, nrow=n_dims, ncol=n_dims)
## Warning in matrix(data = new_vec, nrow = n_dims, ncol = n_dims): data length
## [89] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [9]

Print out the matrix.

##       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9]
##  [1,]   35   88   37   67   69   68   79   23   60
##  [2,]   71   83    6   15    5   77   74   31   56
##  [3,]   65   73   11    4   36   38   51   44    9
##  [4,]   49   22   82   42   26   33   76   58   86
##  [5,]   20   80   59   50   12   52   41   53   27
##  [6,]   63   55   70   10   14   62   48   89   39
##  [7,]   47   34   75   87   16   46   43   30   29
##  [8,]    7    8    2   54   25    1    3   81   78
##  [9,]   18   85   84   40   13   61   64   72   28

Find a function in r to transpose the matrix. Print it out again and note how it has changed.

tm <- t(m)
##       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9]
##  [1,]   35   71   65   49   20   63   47    7   18
##  [2,]   88   83   73   22   80   55   34    8   85
##  [3,]   37    6   11   82   59   70   75    2   84
##  [4,]   67   15    4   42   50   10   87   54   40
##  [5,]   69    5   36   26   12   14   16   25   13
##  [6,]   68   77   38   33   52   62   46    1   61
##  [7,]   79   74   51   76   41   48   43    3   64
##  [8,]   23   31   44   58   53   89   30   81   72
##  [9,]   60   56    9   86   27   39   29   78   28

Calculate the sum and the mean of the elements in the first row and then the last row.

## [1] 375
## [1] 41.66667
## [1] 412
## [1] 45.77778

Read about the eigen() function and use it on your matrix

## eigen() decomposition
## $values
## [1] 410.968762+ 0.00000i  78.638010+ 0.00000i -29.374061+56.10170i
## [4] -29.374061-56.10170i -42.236126+16.28036i -42.236126-16.28036i
## [7]  44.160076+ 0.00000i   3.226763+28.19350i   3.226763-28.19350i
## $vectors
##                [,1]            [,2]                      [,3]
##  [1,] -0.3083029+0i -0.331518117+0i -0.095184759-0.394406740i
##  [2,] -0.4085802+0i -0.222988768+0i -0.099050261-0.006346444i
##  [3,] -0.3227800+0i  0.113563988+0i  0.612216669+0.000000000i
##  [4,] -0.2897126+0i  0.264464565+0i -0.173168599+0.304224321i
##  [5,] -0.1686343+0i  0.009174565+0i -0.388142243-0.009026475i
##  [6,] -0.3473150+0i -0.383465189+0i  0.057626640+0.066986131i
##  [7,] -0.3783007+0i -0.152615169+0i  0.152772449-0.036532821i
##  [8,] -0.3819648+0i  0.634544372+0i  0.108707705-0.239735173i
##  [9,] -0.3343911+0i  0.429494806+0i  0.009398433+0.274929692i
##                            [,4]                    [,5]                    [,6]
##  [1,] -0.095184759+0.394406740i  0.36096188-0.19511562i  0.36096188+0.19511562i
##  [2,] -0.099050261+0.006346444i -0.25253554+0.14211319i -0.25253554-0.14211319i
##  [3,]  0.612216669+0.000000000i  0.14072626+0.03056449i  0.14072626-0.03056449i
##  [4,] -0.173168599-0.304224321i -0.35677177+0.31040641i -0.35677177-0.31040641i
##  [5,] -0.388142243+0.009026475i -0.52838925+0.00000000i -0.52838925+0.00000000i
##  [6,]  0.057626640-0.066986131i -0.01126115+0.05340200i -0.01126115-0.05340200i
##  [7,]  0.152772449+0.036532821i  0.10678814-0.14560636i  0.10678814+0.14560636i
##  [8,]  0.108707705+0.239735173i  0.10154324-0.06881902i  0.10154324+0.06881902i
##  [9,]  0.009398433-0.274929692i  0.39495995-0.13217635i  0.39495995+0.13217635i
##                 [,7]                     [,8]                     [,9]
##  [1,] -0.25231262+0i -0.058467900+0.25089411i -0.058467900-0.25089411i
##  [2,] -0.31075002+0i -0.077136271-0.36692498i -0.077136271+0.36692498i
##  [3,]  0.39025147+0i  0.115718719+0.14092596i  0.115718719-0.14092596i
##  [4,]  0.47495975+0i  0.188473853-0.07468343i  0.188473853+0.07468343i
##  [5,]  0.15261269+0i  0.673079258+0.00000000i  0.673079258+0.00000000i
##  [6,] -0.62646779+0i -0.216456507+0.20283402i -0.216456507-0.20283402i
##  [7,]  0.08053782+0i -0.235355155+0.03556831i -0.235355155-0.03556831i
##  [8,]  0.11292842+0i  0.002161857-0.02502693i  0.002161857+0.02502693i
##  [9,]  0.16400642+0i -0.293021886-0.18579020i -0.293021886+0.18579020i

Look carefully at the elements of values and vectors in the output. What kind of numbers are these? Dig in with the typeof() function to figure out their type.

## [1] "complex"
## [1] "complex"

These are complex numbers.

If have set your code up properly, you should be able to re-run it and create a matrix of different size because n_dims will change.

  1. Create a list with the following named elements:
my_matrix <- matrix(data=runif(16), nrow=4, ncol=4)
my_logical <- runif(100)<0.5
my_letters <- sample(letters)
my_list <- list(my_matrix, my_logical, my_letters)

Then, complete the following steps:

new_list <- list(my_matrix[2,2], my_logical[2], my_letters[2])
## [1] "double"
## [1] "logical"
## [1] "character"
atomic_vector <- c(new_list[[1]], new_list[[2]], new_list[[3]])
## [1] "0.994857588084415" "FALSE"             "a"
## [1] "character"
  1. Create a data frame with the two variables (= columns) and 26 cases (= rows) below:
my_unis <- runif(n=26, min=0, max=10)
my_letters <- sample(LETTERS)
data_frame <- data.frame(my_unis, my_letters)
##      my_unis my_letters
## 1  7.8547594          K
## 2  0.9796932          W
## 3  5.3713267          U
## 4  5.6226966          E
## 5  8.8405213          L
## 6  6.8492564          P
## 7  3.2006808          H
## 8  8.6874164          X
## 9  3.5056613          V
## 10 4.9680235          M
## 11 8.9918071          D
## 12 5.2723138          C
## 13 1.2043848          N
## 14 6.3615537          Y
## 15 8.2470004          J
## 16 3.0854342          B
## 17 7.7935806          S
## 18 0.7072426          O
## 19 3.8622090          I
## 20 6.1442755          Q
## 21 7.0761349          F
## 22 2.6729233          R
## 23 6.5265862          G
## 24 2.1404349          Z
## 25 8.8508021          T
## 26 6.7541962          A
data_frame[ ,1] <- my_unis
##      my_unis my_letters
## 1  7.8547594          K
## 2  0.9796932          W
## 3  5.3713267          U
## 4  5.6226966          E
## 5  8.8405213          L
## 6  6.8492564          P
## 7  3.2006808          H
## 8  8.6874164          X
## 9  3.5056613          V
## 10 4.9680235          M
## 11 8.9918071          D
## 12 5.2723138          C
## 13 1.2043848          N
## 14 6.3615537          Y
## 15 8.2470004          J
## 16 3.0854342          B
## 17 7.7935806          S
## 18 0.7072426          O
## 19 3.8622090          I
## 20 6.1442755          Q
## 21 7.0761349          F
## 22 2.6729233          R
## 23 6.5265862          G
## 24 2.1404349          Z
## 25 8.8508021          T
## 26 6.7541962          A
data_frame[sample(x=1:26, size=4, replace=TRUE),1] <- NA
##      my_unis my_letters
## 1  7.8547594          K
## 2  0.9796932          W
## 3  5.3713267          U
## 4  5.6226966          E
## 5  8.8405213          L
## 6  6.8492564          P
## 7  3.2006808          H
## 8  8.6874164          X
## 9  3.5056613          V
## 10 4.9680235          M
## 11 8.9918071          D
## 12 5.2723138          C
## 13        NA          N
## 14 6.3615537          Y
## 15 8.2470004          J
## 16 3.0854342          B
## 17        NA          S
## 18 0.7072426          O
## 19 3.8622090          I
## 20        NA          Q
## 21 7.0761349          F
## 22 2.6729233          R
## 23 6.5265862          G
## 24 2.1404349          Z
## 25 8.8508021          T
## 26        NA          A
## [1] 13 17 20 26
data_frame <- data_frame[order(data_frame$my_letters),]
##      my_unis my_letters
## 26        NA          A
## 16 3.0854342          B
## 12 5.2723138          C
## 11 8.9918071          D
## 4  5.6226966          E
## 21 7.0761349          F
## 23 6.5265862          G
## 7  3.2006808          H
## 19 3.8622090          I
## 15 8.2470004          J
## 1  7.8547594          K
## 5  8.8405213          L
## 10 4.9680235          M
## 13        NA          N
## 18 0.7072426          O
## 6  6.8492564          P
## 20        NA          Q
## 22 2.6729233          R
## 17        NA          S
## 25 8.8508021          T
## 3  5.3713267          U
## 9  3.5056613          V
## 2  0.9796932          W
## 8  8.6874164          X
## 14 6.3615537          Y
## 24 2.1404349          Z
mean(data_frame$my_unis, na.rm=TRUE)
## [1] 5.439749